Just one day ago Apple unveiled its newest creation, the iPad. The iPad follows the same principles as an iPod Touch/iPhone; but this one's got a 9.7" screen. The iPad can run all of your native iPod Touch/iPhone apps, plus a few more. Apple has also created iWork for the iPad, each app costs $10. The iPad an on-screen keyboard that works well, the iPad has 3 speakers as well. The iPad docks just like a normal iPod, through the same cables & uses the same program (iTunes). AT&T has also provided a no-contract 3G plan for the iPads.
Features List -
- On-Screen Keyboard
- Built in speakers
- 9.7" multitouch screen
- Mp3 player
- Video player
- Faster than the iPod Touch
- Same basic interface as the iPod Touch/iPhone
- 3G Capable
What do you think about the iPad?