Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nintendo Wifi USB Hack

I found this tutorial on how your nintendo USB wifi connector into a softap (wifi router) and have had great success with it in creating a wifi network for internet connection sharing, printer and file sharing etc.

To do this you need to have this rar file:
or you can get it from here:
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting

Then follow these steps:

Unplug the usb connector and uninstall all the nintendo software then restart.

Plug the usb connector and when asked for the drivers navigate to the where you unrared the downloaded files and inside the Drivers folder you will find modified Buffalo drivers. Install these drivers for the USB Connector. Then install the ASUS software (also in RAR file( When it prompts you to restart, select No. I have found that there is no need to.

Now in the ASUS EXEs folder of the RAR file, extract the six EXE files in the into the ASUS folder (C:\Program Files\ASUS\WLAN Card Utilities). Make sure you overwrite the existing files.

4)Then run ASUS WLAN Control Center. You will get a dialog asking if you want to use the Windows configuration utility or the ASUS one, select the option that uses ASUS one and disables the Windows one. Then there will be a wizard. Click Cancel to close the wizard.

Now copy the file (C:\Program Files\ASUS\WLAN Card Utilities\Driver\WinXP\AP\rt2500usb.sys) to (C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers). Make sure you overwrite the existing file.

Right-click on the ASUS software icon in the System Tray (bottom-right corner of screen) and select Wireless Settings. When the settings dialog opens, on the left select Config, then go to the SoftAP tab, and select Soft AP Mode. Then un-tick the Enable ICS checkbox. Then on the left click Apply. You will get a message box asking if you really want to change to SoftAP mode, click Yes. A message will come up saying something like "add the adapter to the network bridge", just ignore it and click OK. If all has gone well, there will be no error messages. Now close the ASUS Wireless Config utility or it will start conflicting when we manually set ICS.

7) Now go to Control Panel -> Network Connections. Right-click on the Network Adapter you are currently accessing your Internet through (or your internet connection icon) and open the properties for that connection. Go to the Advanced tab, and click "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection". Then click OK. If you get an error message saying the IP address is already in use, disable the Network adapter you are trying to share then try again - be sure to enable it again afterwards. It can take a long time for ICS to be enabled so wait patiently.

Now right-click on the Wireless Network Connection and click Properties. In the middle of the dialog there will be some protocols, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then open the properties for that. Windows would have assigned a static IP address if ICS was successfully enabled, check to make sure this IP address does not conflict with other IP addresses on your network. Also, it should be on a different subnet to the Local Area Connection (for example, my computer's IP address is, I assigned the wireless network connection the IP address of - which is on a different subnet). If it is on the same subnet, ICS will not work correctly.

With that done, open the ASUS Wireless Config utility again. On the left select Config, in the Basic tab set a SSID. In the encryption tab, select Shared for Network Authentication and WEP for Data Encryption. Now enter a WEP key. Go back to the Basic tab, and at the bottom click on Advanced, change the 54g Mode setting to 802.11b only. Click Apply on the left to save the settings.

Now turn on your wii or ds, go to the Nintendo WFC Settings, and select Manual Setup. Enter the SSID and WEP Key (both of these are case-sensitive) you entered to the ASUS Config utility before. Select No to Auto-obtain IP Address. Now give your wii an IP Address (this must be on the same subnet as the USB connector, I gave my wii the IP address: For subnet mask enter For gateway and primary DNS, enter the IP address of the USB connector. Now try and test connection, and if all has gone well the connection should be successful!

11) Optional 
Now with the ASUS Wireless Config utility, hide your SSID, and use MAC Address filtering to improve the security of your wireless access point.

You now have an Official Nintendo Wifi USB Connector that can connect online with any other devices.

You can now search for an access point on other devices such as laptops, iTouch's and psp's or just enter the ssid and wep(if used) of your access point.

this tutorial was made originally by kcajblue of the afterdawn forums

11 comments to “Nintendo Wifi USB Hack”

  • August 19, 2010 at 12:45 PM
    Unknown says:

    Please stop using the IP address of for that is my router's IP address. If you keep using this IP address I can and will charge you for using my IP address even if it isn't doing any harm to me.

  • August 19, 2010 at 4:18 PM
    Anonymous says:

    1st: We didn't write this tutorial, go to and complain to the original author

    2nd: is the generic router IP address. The router at our headquarters has the same IP address, and the IP addresses of our employee's routers are the same

  • September 1, 2010 at 5:53 PM
    Anonymous says:

    LOL riicardo... Like Computer junkies said, that is a generic IP address for most routers. there is no way possible you could sue for that. I recommend you do some reading on networking fundamentals or something...

  • September 27, 2010 at 7:52 PM
    Anonymous says:

    riic really.... of all things you threaten to sue of that....

  • January 9, 2011 at 8:59 PM
    Ricky says:

    This didnt work for me. I got a Center.exe error whenever i try to open the ASUS WLAN control Center. :/ any help?

  • April 6, 2011 at 11:13 AM
    Rob says:

    Got thru the whole thing, but it didnt work in the end. :(

  • May 8, 2011 at 4:59 PM
    Anonymous says:

    OMFG riicardo dont think I've LOL'd so hard in a long time

  • September 28, 2011 at 10:16 PM
    Paul says:

    Hey guys, if you can't leave Riicardo alone then I'm gonna disable the comments for this article. Yes, Riicardo misunderstood but just because we're on the internet doesn't mean we can bash someone over something like this. Give him a break.

  • October 15, 2011 at 8:38 PM
    fr33 says:

    LOL! I think he did that in purpose to troll out or he really thought all the IP addresses in the universe where the same as his....

    I dont blame him, one can get misunderstanded...

    As for this that I had tried it before, i think in xp, it doesnt work in win 7, the dang center trows an out of range, exception (0x0000005) which by all means I had tried to fix it, but it didnt work. I guess I still can use xp in vBox for it or just use xpMode to make it work... will see


  • February 2, 2012 at 6:55 PM
    Anonymous says:

    megaupload link fail...

  • February 15, 2012 at 12:58 PM
    Anonymous says:


    "megaupload link fail..."

    That's freakin' hilarious! Please read the following:

    That should explain the fail.


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